Odds are pretty good that it won't. After all, it's pretty stable. Things should be good enough for me to get to the post office and to Burger King and then make it back to finish this post on Fringe's past couple episodes
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So. I am not going to have a blank entry today! Or I'll try not to, at least.
I've been having a hard time writing my Altlivia and Olivia telepathy fic. It's hard to get inside Olivia's head. Plus I have three or four stories to edit and post. All my grand plans for fic for
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My season one and two DVDs need to get here now. They were on backorder, which is very frustrating, but at $14/season, I suppose I can't complain too much. Even though I will.
Okay, I am confused. Can someone please let me know if I'm right as to which universe is which?
Can anyone rec me good Fringe stories, please? I love all the characters, though, as usual, my primary focus is on the women of the series: Olivia, Astrid, and Nina of any universe
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First off, if you haven't seen the list of femslashers who are active on Dreamwidth, and you're a femslasher who is active on Dreamwidth, please check that out, add your name to the list, and pass it around. (You don't have to be active solely on Dreamwidth!) Also, if you're the mod of a Dreamwidth community with significant femslash content, can
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First of all, LJ's going to be down for a while. Today. From 7 - 9 PM EST. Which means that, while you're unable to access LJ, you can find me at Dreamwidth! And Twitter. And InsaneJournal. But mostly at Dreamwidth. (I have invite codes. You want one?) You don't even need a Dreamwidth account to comment; all you have to do is use your LJ
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